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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2 New & Innovative Ocean Wave Energy Devices

Ocean wave energy can be captured directly from surface waves. Blowing wind and pressure fluctuations below the surface are the main reasons for causing waves. But consistency of waves differs from one area of ocean to another. Some regions of oceans receive waves with enough uniformity and force. Ocean waves contain tremendous energy. Currently scientists and companies are considering exploiting the wave power of oceans to harness clean and green energy.

ANSYS Inc is a global trend setter of simulation software and technologies. Recently it has developed software that is assisting in converting the persistent forces of ocean waves into electricity. Green Ocean Energy Ltd is an Aberdeen based renewable energy company. Their mission is to create and innovate in the field of clean and green energy. They are developing mechanisms to harness energy from the Earth�s oceans. They are also focusing on other facts such as the economic viability and sustainability of their products.

Green Ocean Energy has produced two innovative devices � Ocean Treader and Wave Treader. These devices will move on the ocean surface in a manner as if someone is nodding, these up and down movements of the arms will help in generating power.

It is estimated that each machine will produce around 500KW of electrical power. This power can be transported to the shore with the aid of underwater cables. This amount of electricity can be utilized by about 125 homes. Wave power farms can be established to generate any required amount of power.

Ocean Treader is a floating device. It will be tied up 1 � 2 miles offshore in ocean wave systems. It will not pose any obstruction on the shoreline. The theory has been put to test in wave tank. Now the company is producing a full size machine for offshore testing.

Wave Treader has grown out of our work with Ocean Treader. Wave Treader uses its Sponsons and Arms and are mounted on the base of a static offshore structure. That structure can be a Wind Turbine or Tidal Turbine. By sharing the high infrastructure costs with another device, such as the foundation costs, cabling costs, etc., the economics of both devices are enhanced and the energy yield for a given sea area greatly improved.

Green Ocean Energy has receives a noteworthy boost to the development of its wave power technology after managing �100,000 of funding from the Scottish Enterprise Seed Fund. They have also secured �150,000 of private investment. Graeme Bell, Special Projects Director at Green Ocean Energy said: �We are delighted to receive this support from Scottish Enterprise. The funding will enable the company to take a major step forward and begin detailed engineering and design of a full scale Wave Treader. It�s been an exciting time for the company and we�re enjoying a fantastic level of interest in our activities.�

This financial support will enable the company to continue the engineering and testing of its ground breaking Wave Treader device. This device is affixed to the transition piece of an offshore wind turbine thereby providing combined wind and wave energy.

It is expected that manufacture of a full scale prototype will start next year once an appropriate site has been acknowledged with deployment in early 2011. Commercialization is expected to being in 2012.

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